
rdial can be configured using a cascading series of files, processed in the following order:

  • The package’s rdial/config file which contains the base configuration

  • Any rdial/config file that exists in XDG_CONFIG_DIRS

  • The user’s rdial/config file found in XDG_CONFIG_HOME

  • The .rdialrc found in the current directory


See the XDG base directory specification for more information on using XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

File format

The configuration file is a INI format file. Use a section labelled rdial for global options, and a separate section for each subcommand. Each section consists of a series of name=value option pairs.

An example configuration file is below:

colour = False

sort = time
reverse = True

The configuration files are processed using configparser, and you can make use of all the features it provides(such as interpolation).

rdial section

backup (default: True)

If this key is set to True then backup data files are written with a ~ suffix.


You are strongly urged to keep this set to True, as it helps to protect you from bugs in rdial.

colour (default: True)

If this key is set to False then no coloured output will be produced by rdial.

The key color is also accepted.

directory (default: $XDG_DATA_HOME/rdial)

This key sets the location of your data files. Some users use this, combined with the per-directory config file, to keep per-project task databases.

interactive (default: False)

If this key is set to True then rdial will interactively ask the user for for messages if they’re not supplied as arguments.

run wrappers section

This section is used to configure pre-defined arguments for the rdial run subcommand. It consists of a series of string keys to use as the wrapper title, and arguments to the rdial run subcommand as values. For example:

[run wrappers]
feeds = -c 'mutt -f ~/Mail/RSS2email/' procrast
calendar = -c 'wyrd ~/.reminders/events' calendar

The above configuration entry feeds allows us to use rdial wrapper feeds to open mutt in a specific mailbox, and time our usage under the ever popular procrast-ination task.