Configuration via environment variables

rdial defaults for many options can be configured via environment variables. The design purpose for supporting these environment variables is to make it easy for users to configure per-project defaults using shell hooks.


This controls whether rdial creates backup of data files. It must be a boolean setting that accepts false/true, 0/1 or n/y as its value.


This controls whether rdial creates a cache for data files. It must be a boolean setting that accepts false/true, 0/1 or n/y as its value.


This controls whether rdial displays informational messages in colour. It must be a boolean setting that accepts false/true, 0/1 or n/y as its value.


The location of the configuration file. It must be a string value.


The location of the rdial storage directory. It must be a string value.


This controls whether rdial asks for messages interactively if they’re not provided as arguments. It must be a boolean setting that accepts false/true, 0/1 or n/y as its value.


This controls whether to profile the execution of rdial. It must be a string value, and will be used as the profile’s output filename.


The value for the rdial ledger -r hourly rate setting. It must be a numeric value.


This controls whether rdial report inverts the sort order when displaying reports. It is a boolean setting that accepts false/true, 0/1 or n/y as its value.


This controls the sorting order for output generated by rdial report. It can either task or time to sort by task name or cumulative time respectively.


This controls the default task name for rdial, and is a good way to configure a project default within a shell hook. It must be a string value.


Stacked location of directories storing configuration files, see the XDG base directory specification for more information.


Path to configuration files as given by the user, if unset use the default value of $HOME/.config. See the XDG base directory specification for more information.